After Johannes Kip

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These reproductions are after hand-colored copper engravings from Britannia Illustrata
or Perspective Views of the Royal Palaces, London, c1707-1715,
were produced by Dutch draughtsman and engraver, Johannes Kip, (also spelled "Kyp"),
who worked with Leonard Knyff (1650-1721), Dutch draughtsman
and painter, on topographical views of British country houses
and gardens. The colorful views are interesting in that they
depict the estate grounds and gardens from an imaginative bird’s
eye perspective. They were published in Britannia Illustrata
(1707) and Le Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bretagne

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These reproductions were taken from two original sepia watercolors that were purchased from a soldier in France during World War II who was attempting to use them to start a fire. Chabrillan is a beautiful area in the Rhone Alps which served as an inspiration to this talented, yet un-named artist.
French Monuments

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Comte Louis-Joseph-Alexandre de Laborde (1773 - 1842)
was a French antiquary, liberal politician and writer, and a member
of the Academie des Sciences morales et politiques (1832).
Laborde conceived the project of compiling a complete inventory of
the archaeological heritage of France, and published his work in 1836.
His luxurious publication seriously undermined his finances, but he remained
a figure of high society of the French Empire. Presented here are two large
reproduction prints of extra fine hand colored engravings taken from Laborde's
Les Monumens De La France.
Historic New Haven, CT

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Turn of the century New Haven, Connecticut comes to life
in these original designs
incorporating views of notable landmarks and Yale University.
Click here to see landscape prints from the Main Gallery